Where does isabel cruz go in fallout 4 after the dlc quest
Where does isabel cruz go in fallout 4 after the dlc quest

where does isabel cruz go in fallout 4 after the dlc quest

I feel obligated to remind everyone that we're working off the standards of console gaming when it comes to Fallout 4, where Call of Duty and Skyrim are the most complex games the majority plays. I haven't played it yet, I don't want to return to the game until Survival Mode is released for fear of falling asleep from boredom on the keyboard. It's like Bethesda has given up writing quests and is just filling the game with procedurally generated repeating quests at this point.

where does isabel cruz go in fallout 4 after the dlc quest

It might as well have been Preston Gravey under that Mechanist costume waiting to give me more procedurally generated quests, because the story ends so abruptly that this Isabel Cruz is pretty much meaningless like the majority of characters in the game. The character development in Fallout 4 is abysmal. Sh*t like this is why I feel more immersed as a role-player in XCOM 2 than Fallout 4.


Here, have the password to my secrete lair, and you're now the Mechanist so have my armor.and also have some repeating procedurally generated kill quests where you track down my rogue robots." That's literally the extent of the dialogue. Then I got to the end, chose the stupid colored option on the stupid dialogue wheel for a speech check, and the Mechanist just goes "Oh, my mistake. While the length was very short and the whole questline was brief and dumb, it was still somewhat reasonable given that I have really low expectations now that Fallout 4 is now Borderlands without the humour. This post contains spoilers but frankly, it's hard to spoil something that is itself spoiled.

Where does isabel cruz go in fallout 4 after the dlc quest