Sleipnir talonro
Sleipnir talonro

sleipnir talonro

The server is a 5/5/3 (base/job/drop) server which rewards the community for voting by scaling the rates up to 8/8/3. I have been on TalonRO for around 6 months (on and off), I have been playing more so over the the last week now so got a good feel of the server, community and how everything works which is what this information is mainly based around.

sleipnir talonro

Hence forth I started playing TalonRO as a server that has been around for a long time and has a very healthy population. TalonRO stood out as a server that was not only well advertised but had plenty of reviews from players which is why I decided to give it a try.

sleipnir talonro

I was looking for a reliable server that I could feel comfortable investing time in without having to worry about my efforts going to waste via a server wipe, server shut down or corrupt gameplay. I stopped shortly before 2007 and returned to the game in 2009 for a short stint and quit again until 2013. In short I was an avid Ragnarok Online player from 2003-2006. My RO Background and how I came to TalonRO This review is based on my experience only without any input from anyone else. I will be writing up my unbiased review of TalonRO from a player who doesn't interact much with others on a personal level and doesn't know any of the GM's. I hope someone finds this useful either being looking to return to the game, finding a good server or just looking to pass some time.

Sleipnir talonro